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Old 07-18-2007   #10
Hell Puppy
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Default Re: XBiz Vegas 07, Pictures from F.U.B.A.R.

Originally Posted by JFK View Post
Love it

"When the tab comes [and youve ordered wine, booze, appetizer and the most expensive item on the menu you think you can score] all that successful player shit youve been selling doesnt hold water if you suddenly become distracted and dont even try to offer up some money.
BONUS DOS TIP - Try leaving the tip. We all know that you only make $10 an hour. At least you will appear to have some juice."

Check out the new issue of The F.U.B.A.R. Times , read the "Uninvited"
Here's some I've heard...

"I forgot my wallet."

"I didn't know we were leaving the hotel, I've been charging everything to the room."

(as the check arrives) "I've gotta hit the restroom." (stay in toilet at least 10-15 minutes)

And then there's the manipulator...he'll try to shame the largest fish at the table into paying whether they had planned to or not. "Hey I thought XYZ Cash was paying for this, come on bro!" Affiliate reps on per diems without a corporate card beware of this one!

And the old standby, if the crowd is large enough, just leave! If someone calls you on it later, say "oh I had to take a phone call from home, by the time it wrapped you guys were gone!"

This isn't just dinner either, anywhere there's something being split. 10 people or more pile into a limo, dont be the last one out because chances are the other 9 aren't planning on kicking in even $10 bucks. Again, you'll hear the classic "I dont have any cash on me, I'll catch you at the bar!".

I know when we're going with a group to dinner, or hell even if just want to sneak off with a couple of people, we never eeeevvvvveeeeerrr announce "we're going to dinner" or where we might be going when dismissing ourselves from the bar or wherever we're parked. A freeloader can hear the dinner bell from clear across a noisy bar.

I make sure I'm not followed. I usually say "I'm gonna go take a good old fashioned dump." one wants to follow along for that.
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