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Old 07-18-2007   #8
Hell Puppy
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Default Re: 50 Most Influencial People in Online Adult

You can go alot of ways with this. Alltime influence...lots of those are retired or scaled back. Currently active. And you also have to limit it to adult only otherwise I'm gonna put the guys at Google, Visa, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc on the list as they all influence how we do business, what we provide and how we get traffic.

Off the top of my head... Sticking with adult online active:

Christie Hefner -- they are determined to be players in "new media"

Ron Cadwell -- along with paycom, these are the guys that keep the cash registers ringing.

whoever is at the helm at Epoch these days, Clay and Joel would definitely be on the "alltime" list if not going current.

Scott at AEBN -- the 800 pound gorilla in VOD and the one who brings most of what's at the local video store to the net.

Tony Morgan -- i would argue that NatNet sets the standard for hosting in our biz. And Tony Morgan himself sets the standard for how to run a business in this industry segment with class instead of sleaze.

Bang Bros -- Showing us all that quality original content pays mightily.

Jon Albright -- Fighting the shave and bringing a quality affiliate program to the masses.

Farrell Timlake -- lots of behind the scenes stuff with business and fighting the good fight, but even before that he brought John Q. Public's naughty home movies to the masses.

Joe Lackey -- although now most of the pieces of his business are owned by Playboy and he has bosses, there's undeniable influence still there and even more importantly he showed it IS possible to have a big time buy out of an adult business. Most normal web entrepeneurs go into it with the plan to be bought by Google, News Corp, Microsoft, such exit plans in adult, but he pulled off a multimillion dollar deal.

Kevin Blatt -- one of the very few non-business owners I would include. the guys ability to get himself on TV and radio and plug away is unmatched.

Jenna Jameson -- until someone unseats her she is the most well known star in adult and has crossover media coverage. what she does is largely how the outside world perceives all adult stars.

Paul Fishbein -- AVN is the largest industry news source and promoter of large shows that were the forebearer of the other shows we have seeminly weekly now.

Andrew Conru -- Love 'em or hate 'em, AFF is influential...not all influences are positive.

Gary Kremen -- I list this active simply because he's still in the media. But his past influence is huge. Without him being suckered by Steven Cohen and losing his domain during the most profitable years of it's existence we may have never really had true "ownership" of domains established in a court of law during the formative years.

Faye Sharpe -- AdultDex is the first adult trade show I remember, that alone should be worthy of mention. She, now along with Jay, continue to be the ones who tinker with the formula for adult industry conventions.

The Hun -- Influential? If he likes your stuff and promotes it, he can make or break a program. You convert or die under the weight of the traffic. On the other side of the fence, he's still responsible for probably more free porn than any one man and all of the impacts that brings to the business. Including an entire generation of webmasters who think fresh galleries with 20+ pics are the only way to make money in this business.

Larry Flynt -- I cant not mention Larry. His involvement in online is almost like a toe in the water. But he produces a ton of content, and his media and legal influences trickle down to all of us.

That's my first wave. I'm not gonna try for 50.

You'll notice what I did NOT list are guys who simply work for a well known program or affiliate reps. Buying people drinks and being a "bro" at the conventions to get 10 hits from the newbies while also getting the handful of guys who keep your program afloat fed and laid is not an industry wide influence.

Ditto for the transient "consultants". You know the type, they typically are female, come in, shake their ass a little, maybe even puff the owners peter if it's a big company. They promise how much they can do for your business. And yeah, their rolodex will bring you some new traffic. It plateaus, then what next? They shake their ass out the door with your best clients also now in their rolodex.

And I'm sorry, a post count of 50,000 on GFY also does not make you someone who influences the industry.
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