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Old 07-17-2007   #7
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Default Re: XBiz Vegas 07, Pictures from F.U.B.A.R.

Ahhh yes ... Im hearing all sorts of classic stories.
Just as I posted and suspected. A hell of a 3 day party.

So heres a couple of helpful hints and tips for some of you going to Internext in a couple of weeks.

You wont see this shit on Xbiz.

- Affiliate reps ... you arent rock stars.
Dont spend all weekend preying on the newer webmasters that you think might have some cash to spread around.

If you tell them for hours how successful you are in that same tired Tommy Bahama youve been wearing all weekend you might want to change before dinner.

You know that dinner youve been working on since late afternoon dropping those hints how you sure would love to eat at the resturant they are going to...
Heres the DOS TIP.
When the tab comes [and youve ordered wine, booze, appetizer and the most expensive item on the menu you think you can score] all that successful player shit youve been selling doesnt hold water if you suddenly become distracted and dont even try to offer up some money.
BONUS DOS TIP - Try leaving the tip. We all know that you only make $10 an hour. At least you will appear to have some juice.

-Branding specialists and experts dont have to shout out props to all their homies after spinning the tunes all weekend.
I dont think they have DJ as a prefix in their name either.

Afterall guys, we all know you are nothing but board whores.
I know it had to be very tempting since your God wasnt able to attend. [Guess all that public pissing with a list of demands didnt get very far. So sad had to sit this one out and miss the good times]
I know ... you have to get the spotlight when you can.
It doesnt matter though. Flashcash still doesnt want to foot the bill with your lame ass party mix so you can score some further credability.

DOS TIP - Try learning something about the business other than posting self gratifying messages with your latent homosexual tendancies. The program owners looking for guys with big mouths and no skill are either getting smarter or going out of business.
We are putting the bastards of this world on notice; greed and corruption will always be met with "a voice made of ink and rage."
"Never try and be like anyone else" - Hunter S. Thompson
"The truth is the truth no matter how you try and package a lie" - Shellee Hale
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