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Old 10-26-2006   #21
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Default Re: WTF is up with Peaches????

Originally Posted by Peaches View Post
But I don't lie

I'm also not very tolerant at times. I have ZERO patience and liars are one of the those that I have negative zero patience for. You might not like what I say and I may be a mean as hell bitch for saying it, but I don't lie. There's just no point, IMO. As stated, I might be WRONG, and I'll admit when I am, but unknowingly stating something that's not true is different than stating something you KNOW isn't true.

I have a feeling the lies that have been told about me will be retracted in the next month.......

As far as the Brad/12Clicks thing goes, BRAD is the one who asked me for proof. I gave it.

However, I'm getting a kick out of all the HORRIBLE things I've said about/to Cory over the last few months in his recent rant. I should pull up a history of the picks everyone else has made against him just in the last month. 100X worse than anything I've said.

Stealing is another thing that irritates the shit out of me. If someone works hard enough to own something, it's theirs. Period. Stay the hell away from it.

It's too late/early for me to get into to my spay/neuter raving........


I call bullshit. You have called me a liar. And that is a bald faced lie in itself. So either apologise or admit you lied.
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