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Old 08-23-2006   #53
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Default Re: Sabby Van Ryan gone from jaymancash?

Originally Posted by pam
It's a real pet peeve of mine for a lot of reasons. When I began with sites, webTV was a big thing, and I quickly learned to make my sites as simple as possible so everyone could view them.

I can't tell you how many sites I can't view due to Flash or Javascript. I have had a few sites want to be reviewed and when I visited their page to sign up, Firefox would crash due to the Flash, and if I asked if they had a non-Flash page (many will do this, the smart folks) they would simply say no -- no brains to offer to sign me up so I don't crash, either.

I admit I don't know you or your niche, Sabby, but only know you from The Pond. My advice (unsolicited, for what its worth) is to contact Sheri Santiago of Wild West Cash since she has a lot of success with extreme girl sites. She's a porn chick with a good head on her shoulders (now is the time for the guys to chime in about her boobs).

I have been banging this drum for years. There is a need for speed on a website. It has to load fast, be uncomplicated, and simply navigable. Who cares if it looks all of this and all of that? If it sells, it is great design. However, Sabby herself has beat me up over my "ugly" web design for years, so I think this advice will fall on deaf ears.
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