Thread: Morons.
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Old 04-17-2006   #120
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Posts: 111
Default Re: Morons.

Numbers are not everything to everybody. Yes sure, traffic is a good thing - but causing people to get upset or leave a board is not going to help a) Oprano or b) the webmasters who use this site as a tool to learn new things.

No matter where you go online, unless it's a private, closed forum, there is always going to be a new person -- and that new person is an opportunity for a sale/affiliate/etc or a new fountain of info -- or maybe just someone seeking information. If you have people that are being total assholes to others, just because their either new, trying to gain info or share info, then it's not good for business. Post counts mean nothing, as compared to actual traffic. It wouldn't surprise me if there were several lurkers on this thread who thought they were going to learn something, but decided not to register because they saw how people are treated because they don't make 5 million a year....
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