Thread: Morons.
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Old 04-17-2006   #94
The global leader in pay-per-view AEBN
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Default Re: Morons.

Originally Posted by Jace
wow, that has to be the most idiotic statement on Oprano in a long, me never using an exit console in my life on any site I own, and asking for advice about them makes me a newbie?

with that said, Oprano obviously has a hatred towards anyone that isn't in the "cool" group AGAIN....and on that note, I think I will be taking a break from here for a while. Today has shown me that no matter how hard the new owners try and change this place, and no matter what new people come and make it a nice place to be, anyone who is not in the original group of posters here is ALWAYS going to be a "newbie"

I have 7 years in this biz, and JUST LIKE YOU, I have not learned everything there is to learn, and I am NEVER afraid to ask questions whether they should be common knowledge or not.

Let me leave you with this question Anthony...where is your content that you shoot? because after all, if you have ever owned any paysite, you must shoot all your content yourself or you are a newbie....or wait, where is your awesome design skills? because once again, if you have owned paysites and you aren't a newbie, you must have learned converting designs along the way

exit consoles was not something I ever bothered to delve into, so if that makes me a "newbie" then so be it, I have other boards that respect me and I can learn from without being degraded on an hourly basis

I don't know who pissed in your alls cheerios today, but chalk one up for the "oldies", they ran off a valuable Oprano poster today

fuck off
HOLY FUCK JACE, you keep asking who pissed in your cheerios, stop asking the questions.

I gave you full on answer to your question, and you get pissy.

We found out a long time ago that content was the cheapest thing you can get in this biz. Better to buy it. We found out, designers are a dime a dozen, I've had sites designed by Sharky, Acura, and a host of great designers... I don't need to learn that.

If no one has told you yet, traffic and sales. King and Queen.

Once you find that out and know how to work it, everything is easy.
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