Thread: Morons.
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Old 04-17-2006   #49
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Default Re: Morons.

Originally Posted by SirenaRose
Jace isn't the only one that is taking this thread "personally"....

I'm new here, I don't post *a lot* but lurk and post when I feel it necessary. Yes I'm new to the industry, so yes I ask some stupid, maybe sometimes even "moronic" questions that have been asked/answered/ridiculed 50 bazillion time by your highnesses that have been around since the "heyday" of the business. No, I won't be raking in the billions of dollars that you all claim to make, that is NOT my goal or intention. I do what I do for fun and the extra profit is a nice little spliff in my life.

If this is the attitude that you and the other "regulars"/"old guard"/"royal highnesses" etc have to offer to the board, then perhaps you SHOULD go back into lurk mode, and stay that way. I came here to learn extra tidbits to help me get my site up to "standards", not to be ridiculed or called a moron for asking questions.

I'm afraid that Bishop's New changes, from my understanding, will not appease you -- since they're in place to help us "newbies" out moreso than to "entertain" you all with your random bullshitting.

I'll go ahead and step off of my soap box, and get back to work, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.
A webmaster that makes no money...ummm isn't that a surfer?
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