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Old 03-04-2006   #34
BeerMaster - PAR-TAY YALL!!!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 19
Default Re: Highly Recommended Online Pharmacy - Hydrocodone Viagra Lortab Xanax Etc.

I think it is so funny that people in here actually think I am some how related in nature to this Lawrence Connor guy. Stupid at the very least! Whoever the man is I sure would like to meet him though cause it sounds like he may have got right under your skin as well. Once again to all the fucked ups that think I am this Man: I have no idea what your talking about, never met the guy, never even heard of him. I simply came into your forum because I thought I could share some info and instead of have met a bunch of "CRAZY FUCKS" that talk to me as if I am a man I don't even know.

Now if I have to pay to share info about a company I don't own nor plan to be involved in owning then I really think someone needs to reply to this about it because at this point because of "GORDO" (Man I love that) I want to buy the biggest and most Rad post/banner I can... Tell me the cost and we got a deal! I hope this company I speak of will allow me to because I am gonna LOVE THIS ONE! It will be money well spent! (Now I'm on Fire people and I am ready to pay whatever it takes...)
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