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Old 01-06-2006   #45
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Default Re: Nick, Trev, and Newton have gone....

Originally Posted by rhetorical
So you were an aggravating child and it has haunted you to the point you have transferred it to this situation. Tranferrance is not always a solution. You may think you have outgrown it, but here you are stuck in the middle of doing it all over again. You apparently have not lost that aggressive streak but only buried it. Now it is overflowing on your keyboard. It must feel cathartic.
No, it hasn't haunted me actually and I'm not the one transferring it to this situation. You are the one who is here purposely to aggravate others, not me. If I am aggravating you, it is merely because you are not one of the "quick people" you mentioned earlier that I can use to sharpen my debating skills, this is something I purposely avoided mentioning earlier because it would've been rather petty, but if you're going to take the one piece of knowledge that you think you have on me (again, something of my past, and nothing of what I am today) and try to use it on me, then I shall resort to the dirty tactics which are your style, as that would appear to be all you are capable of knowing & understanding.
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