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Old 01-06-2006   #67
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Default Re: Nick, Trev, and Newton have gone....

Originally Posted by rhetorical
You haven't been around long, S. There is a lot of history you know nothing about. As for Peaches occupation. She said she is retiring from adult. End of story. No speculation there. Now why is it exactly, you who are recently new, have picked up the mantel and are firing broadsides filled with blanks? Maybe you have a degree in psychology or maybe you don't. But you do seem to be firing from the hip. And I have no idea why. But you are fun. LOL.
I'm sure there is a lot of history that I know nothing about, but is it really relevant? People are only human, everybody makes mistakes & everybody has their past to haunt them to some degree or another. The weakest individuals are the ones who will dig in someone's past to use it as ammo against them in a verbal sparring match, its a sign of desperation & lack of anything valid to say. Yes Peaches said she is retiring, however the beauty of being human is the freedom of choice. I frankly don't care what her reasons were for saying what she did, nor do I really care whether she has changed her mind. For that matter, I don't really care what she does with her life, as it has very little to do with my own life. You, however, sound like a scorned lover still bitter over a long ago rejection. You've obsessed yourself with her past, with Nick's past, with everybody's life but your own. Maybe its because there's so much more to their lives than there is to yours?

As far as firing blanks goes, you're the one doing that. You've done naught but repeat baseless accusations, make statements that are by no means "news" or "shocking" to any of us, and have little to no impact on how everybody else runs their daily lives. It all seems to have quite an impact on you however! You sound like a failure who is apt to blame your mistakes on everybody else but yourself, diverting responsibility elsewhere, because you are unable to face up to the fact that you simply are not as good as Nick, Newton, Trev, Peaches, or Serge.

I'm still trying to figure out why you're so anti-these individuals? What exactly is it that you hope to accomplish by repeatedly pointing out the blatantly obvious...(which I might add, the things you are mentioning are all very obvious because the aforementioned individuals themselves have already mentioned them)
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