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Old 01-06-2006   #26
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Default Re: Nick, Trev, and Newton have gone....


Alright, so YOU of all people have the audacity to sit here & talk shit about Nick mailing, when you yourself got BANNED from this very board, for doing just that????

You just lost ALL credibility. After having taken the time to check out all your posts (under this username at least) and having read all of them in about 4-5 threads, I find that you would appear to be here to provoke people on purpose, and yet amusingly enough, are telling others that they "...might try getting out more"

Peaches pegged it when she said its reminiscent of a bobble head... amusing for a few minutes, and then it just gets boring.

What I have learned this evening is that you would appear to be here to purposely provoke others, more often than not by insinuating (if not stating outright) things you claim to "know about their personal lives" which in turn leads me to wonder why on earth if you think so little of these individuals, you would spend so much time studying them... and yet you tell others they need to get out more? Seems to me you need to get a life of your own & stop trying to live vicariously through the ventures of others.
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