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Old 12-12-2005   #75
Going Back to My Roots
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Default Re: Morals and this industry

Some interesting posts. To be clear the situations were things like someone who wanted SEO and was willing to pay me $25 per hour for it. I told them I was knowledgable about it but didn't have a great deal of experience instead of saying "I know what I'm doing" and doing what I do know about SEO (very little, lol) for them... This lead to me being overly honest about my lack of knowledge.

The reason I did that is I have always thought about the clients I would lose in the future if I just plain and simple took the guy for 80 hours and did very little for him. If he happens to be the wrong person my name is out there as a blatant scammer in a matter of two weeks noone will do biz with me.

As far as how bad the X-Mas is... My mortgage payment is behind, bills are behind, and I an't get 'as nice' of presents as I would like to... but there will of course be a X-Mas for my daughter none the less. This is the first X-Mas in my life I have felt like this and I am about ready to just go out looking for some sucker to offer them the world and cash a quick check.

I understand what Nick is saying... my only argument against that is cut throat business is different then directly lying (and ripping off) customers. I guess in a sense it isn't ... Odd I give a shit as frustrated as I wake up every day lately...
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