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Old 12-12-2005   #71
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Default Re: Morals and this industry

Originally Posted by Anthony

I have been given the moniker, "Honest Anthony".

Cause I is!
Although I'm loathe to fall back on gender biases, men can get away with being purely 'honest.'

I'm honest too. Brutally so. Its part of why I decided to work on learning to be a lady, because if I was simply "honest" i'd be simply a bitch. I intend on being a lot more.

I wouldn't say "Reality vs Illusion" either though, reality is I am a lady, reality is I'm also honest. Reality is that most people out there can't handle that & find me very unsettling & unnerving as a result.

I'd say the key different is tact. There's honest, and simply blurting out the truth & leaving the other person horribly crushed & wounded feeling, (that's Bitch) and then there's honesty where the other person absorbs what you're telling them, acknowledges it as truth, and can't fault you in the slightest for making them feel the way they do, (the truth hurts) simply because of how you went about it. The latter, is formidable.
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