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Old 12-12-2005   #33
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Default Re: Morals and this industry

Originally Posted by Sin
I get accused of being wordy quite a bit, sorry.

Point is personal morals have very little to do with what is good business or bad business.

In the story there, as morals went, I was entirely in the right. That was confirmed not only by me, my manager, my coworker and the other customer, but by the first customer who blew up, when he came to apologize.

As business went however, my morals didn't matter, it would've been bad business to just say to him "Well what do you want me to do?" (which is -exactly- what the owners have told me a few times that I should say to customers who complain)
I think I have a somewhat similiar story. My husband was food and beverage director at a country club. One New Year's Eve, in the "way back of history," he had me working the cloakroom so that we could do the "kiss at midnight," our one and only New Year's Eve ritual.

During this evening, a drunken member screamed viciously at my husband for some minutes over something that wasn't his fault. I watched my husband quietly apologize and offer to set whatever it was right. Now, all I can do is plead youth for my part of this, which was a rather hysterical "why didn't you haul off and punch that bastard right in the mouth???" My husband explained that quite frequently professionalism demanded you just suck it up and swallow it. He wasn't at all surprised when the phone rang New Year's Day morning and it was the drunken country club member...calling to apologize.
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