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Old 12-12-2005   #24
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Default Re: Morals and this industry

Originally Posted by Sin
Just thought of another story from my job at the Brewery...

Had a customer about a year ago that was unhappy with the bottling station he was set up on. Wanted to move. In the spirit of providing good service, I decided to move him to station 2. Then I realized there was already someone booked for Station 2 that was much to my horror, already there in the store & washing their bottles. Now I had to speed up the moving process, so I could get the first station cleaned & the person set up there. I fumbled the ball so to speak, and managed to offend the first guy while trying to get him moved over to the other station quicker. He actually blew up at me in a manner that shocked everybody else in the store, He was much taller & larger than I am, and got in my face, his daughter was pleading with him to please just forget about it (for about 15 min after they were all set up on the 2nd station... he really went off) ...and my boss & coworker were both present & listening (as was the other customer) and regardless, if I had simply done nothing, I still would've been in "the right" as far as my morals went along with everybody else's who was present. I was already earning bonus points in my own book since I have quite a ferocious temper when I feel I am unnecessarily attacked... and I managed to remain quite calm.

Except just letting it go as was, would've been bad business. The guy would've left & never came back. We have records, and so I looked at them. Unfortunately for me this guy has been a customer at that place for over 10 years. It would be (in my books) real bad business to lose a customer like that. So I took 10, went in the back, vented at my coworker for a few minutes, and then against every moral in my personal self, I swallowed my pride, went out to the front & apologized to the customer. (And yes I spent a few min in the back first, thinking of a way in which I could actually manage to apologize which wouldn't go against my morals) A few weeks later the customer himself came back to apologize to me, apparently... (according to the rest of the staff) and he's still a customer there.
Ok..I read all that ...long as it was....

And I still don't see what you mean .....
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