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Old 12-12-2005   #4
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Default Re: Morals and this industry

I love threads like this.

Ryan, as it has been said "we all have the morals we can afford." (Hush, Nick, I know where I got the line.)

Serge is right, of course. You could have taught the idiot a valuable lesson. If you had been in the mood to teach "valuable lessons" at that exact moment.

Ryan, all that matters are *your* morals and your ability to live with your actions. If it would have taken food, shelter and medicine away from your family I think you might have made quite a different decision. (This is where the relentlessly "moral" Morgan Grayson gets off the morality boat. My first and only obligation would have been to my family and I've have - not "of," my darling Ryan - ripped that sucker off to high heaven. He'd have gotten his life lesson and I'd have taken care of my family.)

Also, Ryan, you need to define a phrase for me. What constitutes a "bad Christmas"? One where you don't shower your loved ones with expensive gifts? Well, if that is the definition, then I guess my children have had a LOT of "bad Christmases." Thankfully, they never knew it and had fun anyway.

You need to apply your morals to your real life and not "this business." Don't teach that little child that the heavens are going to rain down expensive toys every time. If the lady thinks Santa does a quick fly-by at Tiffanys before dropping down your chimney, disabuse her of that notion.

I've only had one really bad Christmas in my life. Last year, the planes were grounded and my oldest couldn't make it in. Taking her gifts out from under my tree and packing them up to send them to her in Maine fucking sucked. Watching my youngest do the "brave face" sucked. Watching my husband lose it totally internally and not let it show on a stone face fucking sucked. Waiting for her to call and tell me that she made it safely from the airport in New Hampshire back to Maine and not getting a call because she stopped off at a friend's house and cried and got drunk out of her mind fucking sucked.

Nothing in this "bad Christmas" involved money.
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