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Old 11-16-2005   #78
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by sarettah
The logical conclusion of the decision "I need coffee from the store" is to somehow put your body/mind/whatever into motion to obtain the coffee from the store, not getting the coffee.

If you do not decide that you need coffee then the logical conclusion is that you will not get into motion to obtain the coffee and if in fact there was no coffee in your pantry then you would end up out of coffee.

So, in fact each decision is an action and each action produces a reaction.

action: decision - I need coffee from the store.
reaction: body/mind goes into motion to obtain coffee.

action: decision - I will use the car to go to the store to get the coffee.
reaction - grab car keys and head for the door.

etc etc so on so forth ad infinitum....
A decision is a mental process (I need coffee).

An action is a physical process (I go get coffee).

The decision has no impact UNLESS you take action.

If a decision was an action, I would have lost 75 pounds and no longer consume tobacco products.

I have made the decision that I need to loose weight many times. I have made the decision that I need to quit smoking many times.

My failure to take subsequent actions to effect those changes does not negate the decision.

The decision that you need coffee has an impact on no one.

The action of going to get coffee can impact many people. If, for example, you run over a cop in a crosswalk the impact of your actions (leaving the house, starting the car, blah blah blah) will ripple around you.
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