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Old 11-16-2005   #66
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by sarettah
A small correction if I may:

it is quite arrogant to believe that on this planet we are the only ones with intelligence.

Bigger correction: it's quite arrogant to believe that we have any "intelligence" whatsoever.

Originally Posted by TheEnforcer
I'm a big bang, evolution advocate, no afterlife atheist who hass a mixture of heavy doses of liberal and libertarian beliefs, with a bit of conservative ones thrown in as well, about life. As to the why we are here... it's because in the whole of the universe the billions upon billions of possibilities led us to where we are today and that it is quite arrogant to believe that in the vastness that is space we are the only ones in it with intelligence.
I'm curious: you've tied several things together here. I'm a religious person, who believes in evolution. (I'm a little leery of "The Big Bang" theory and will be until someone explains to me exactly what it was that went "bang.") I don't believe in a "grand design" kind of "why are we here?" thing. There's a reason why you are here; there's a reason why I am here, etc - but they aren't the same reasons. I also don't believe we're the only ones in the universe. Gaia - or we could use "Mother Nature" here - isn't big on waste. A huge universe with absolutely nothing or no one in it seems like a terrible waste of space, not to mention being boring as hell. I don't believe in a boring universe, either.
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