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Old 11-16-2005   #35
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by sarettah
Believeing in something, no matter how much solace it provides, does not make it true.

And I do not necessarilly prescribe to the notion that it is ok to believe what you want to believe.

See, now here is where you and I disagree. I think it is perfectly ok to believe in what you want to believe. I may not believe but I would never force that belief on others. I will happily dicuss/debate the issue if it is brought up by somebody but I won't actively go out and try and change their minds about the issue unless it's a topic they wish to actively debate/discuss. Even then it is more about stating my opinion rather than trying to change their mind. It's none of my damn business. Who am I to try and take away someones belief that they hold dear and helps them through the course of their life? Especially when the issue is one that basically can't be settled until one dies.

My wife and I used to discuss this issue constaantly as she believes in God stronger than anybody I have ever known. We both enjoyed, and actually still talk about the issue, talking about it quite a bit but I never actively tried to change her mind on the issue because it isn't my place to do so. I respect her greatly for her belief because I know of no one who tries to live up to that belief every day of their life more than she does.
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