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Old 11-16-2005   #45
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by TheEnforcer
Ahhhhh.. I love talking about this topic!!

Let's take Timon who basically says he is SOOOO not going to heaven!! Or make it easier and someone who is in prison for murder and truly repents and confesses their sins.

Then lets take someone who is a good and pure person who lives their lives in accordance to every one of the commandments EXCEPT that they refuse to believe in God.

According to the bible the second person doesn't have a chance of getting into heaven even though they have lived a virtuous life and contributed to society. And it all boils down to that one little thing... not believing in God.
50 points to whomever can come up with the text to the poem that starts out "Abu Ben Adam, may his tribe increase."

I encountered it in high school. It covers this very topic and wonderfully. It helped form one of the bricks in my own personal theological foundation.
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