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Old 11-16-2005   #40
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Yeah , I used to be one of the most vocal on subjects like that. LOL

Now I have already achieved a form of heaven......

The ability to think "I don't give a fuck"...and say "Well good luck to them"

And mean both.

You're a parent, Nick, so you know what I call "that sound." When you're somewhere else in the house and you hear your children laughing and playing together happily. In that moment, you know what it must be like to be God. (Using "God" as a catch-all "Diety" term here.) You don't want your kids sitting at your feet all the time staring up at you adoringly. You'd trip over them constantly. You don't want them nattering at you to solve all their problems, you want them to learn to use their own problem solving skills. You sure as hell don't want them to be afraid of you. You want them to get along with *each other.*

When my eldest and my youngest met for the first time, one was 29, one was 19. (Long, sad, scary story; not relevent to the current topic.) They met at the airport. The eyed each other then stretched out their hands to the lengths of their arms to shake hands. In the car on the way home, I tapped my husband and whispered "can you hear that?" He nodded. His eyes were glistening, too. "That sound" was coming from the back seat. They didn't bond so much as fuse. I felt like God. I brought them both into the world then thanks to - hell, a miracle - I got to hand them over to each other.

I've logged a lot of time in hell. Now I have "a form of heaven."
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