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Old 11-16-2005   #35
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by Peaches
I've always found it "interesting" see people tell others what they should and shouldn't believe in. It's like telling someone their tastes in women is wrong, their favorite color is wrong, they don't like the right kind of house, they don't love the right people, etc.

You are what you are
The good people of San Diego have been having a right holy war over a cross that's part of a memorial to WWII soldiers on Mount Soledad. The memorial is on state/local/something owned land, and the atheists group is up in arms over it violating the Constitution. Now, this is one of those many points where being right gets you nowhere. This happy Pagan is lucky: don't give a shit. The damn thing has been there forever, it was put up as a memorial, and frankly, I don't think we have enough of those.

My daughter was one of the six Goths (that's right, count 'em, six) in her high school who were pulled into the principals office to get chewed out for their attire. One of them was wearing an upside down pentacle, indicating her religious preference for Satanism. Now, rather than do what any adult who'd actually *met* a teenager before would have done, which is say "how 'bout you drop that puppy inside your shirt and knock of the deliberate scaring of people, which we both know is what you're doing" this asshole rips into her, causing her to calmly state her First Ammendment religious rights. (I see the fine hand of my own child in this. She was raised on the First Ammendment, and I doubt seriously this other poor kid was.) Well, any time a teenager has to tell the principal about the Constitution, bad things happened. Once again, being right gets you zip. Nothing. Nada.

There's a list of "acceptable" religions that have rights. If you're not on the list, you're in trouble.

This is off topic, yes, but I do enjoy the debates/discussions Opranauts have on religion.

I may not agree with what the atheists are saying, but I'll fight to the death for their right to say it.
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