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Old 11-16-2005   #7
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Default Re: Spirituality, Religion, it's all bullshit....

Originally Posted by Red
I don't think it's hope of something afterwards, it just makes sense that there is an afterlife. Look at it this way,
the body is made up of chemical and electrical energy.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, just transformed.
Anyone that has had someone die in their arms, knows the feeling of that energy leaving the body(some consider it the soul, I'm giving it scientific terms for those in doubt of spirituality)
So where does it go? Why not into another housing?
All natural things have energy that is constantly being recycled. Those things in nature that we recognize as "living" go through a life cycle (birth-life-death). As we observe from the world around us, when a "living" thing dies and you put the living thing into the ground, it's chemicals, molecules, etc are absorbed thus passing the kinetic energy inherent in those particles into the soil where when/if it is picked up, it helps in the life cycle again.

There is no reason to suspect that "WE" still exist within that energy. "WE" are a structure of thoughts/memories/whatever stored within the cells of our brains. When those cells die (or enough of those cells die) "WE" cease to exist.

The energy continues, "WE" do not.

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