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Old 11-01-2005   #39
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Default Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Agreed. They aren't!

That is, not until moronic primates with a God fetish keep forcing two square pegs into the same round hole ... and think the Bible is the New York Times of record for all history.
The Bible isn't even the Bible anymore. It's been translated, retranslated, then retranslated the point where no one with any sense can believe that what's between the covers are even the original words anymore. It does have some lovely metaphors and some great poetry in it, though.

It also has a section or two that will justify any murderous impulse one has if it's read carefully, which thoroughly sucks.

I once caused a Protestant to go wide-eyed when I sat beside him with my Catholic Bible playing "let's compare it line by line and see." A word here, a word there...and the difference in meaning was astounding.
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