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Old 10-24-2005   #24
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 612
Default Re: One more..I fucking dare ya...

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
My Monday was pretty shitty, but I don't feel the need to drag everybody else down with me.

So...I took a nap. Helped enormously.

I'm now having coffee in my Oprano mug. Also helps enormously.

I learned how to brew my English tea. Props to both Newton and my husband, who both gave me instructions. You see, the instructions on the tin were written"English"...and therefore I missed a fine point the first time around. "The longer the steeping time, the more tanin is removed from the tea." The first cup, it sucked every bit of saliva out of my mouth for about an hour. (I got sidetracked, and it was tepid "death tea" by the time my husband indicated I'd let it steep too long.) The second cup, I set the timer for one minute and it was perfect. (Yes, cupcake, I even remembered to heat the pot first. It's a cute little "tea for one" teapot with matching cup, in cadet blue.) I'm becoming a happy little Anglophile with teapots.

My husband is a huge Walker crisps fan. In all honesty, I was almost afraid to open a bag of the things. I was so afraid the American tastebuds over here would let me down and I'd have to skulk back to happy Brits and mutter "just don't see it." However, we shared a bag of the four cheese and red onion and happiness abounded. These aren't "decorate the other half of a plate when you have a sandwhich" American potato chips. These things are actual food, with enough flavor to knock your tastebuds sideways. They're thicker, too. So now I have something else to buy him from the EnglishTeaStore besides his beloved shortbread. He did stare at the flavor list and mutter "lamb and mint?!?!?!?" for a while, though. (Of course, I don't understand why people put mint on lamb in the first place, much less would make a crisp that flavor. Further contemplation reveals my problem with eating lamb at all, though.)

Monday's a good day to let your mind wander.
Wow Morgan...I never realised there was so much to drinking tea and eating crisps !
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