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Old 09-24-2005   #3
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Default Re: So what have I learned so far ?

I am content. No. I am much more than content. I am filled with a marvelous sense of well-being.

You see, in the many long (and agonizing) years that I have been on and off the adult 'net, I have mentored many people. It's in my nature to do so. On several occasions it has even been my job to do so.

Now, I'm part of a project. A project that is wonderful not only in the aspect that I'm learning something new, but that this project is a "group" project that actually lives up to its name. A group working together.

Playing the part of the "novice webmaster" in this project is Dom. I like to mentor Dom. Not only is he a very nice person...he's intelligent. He will know someday what it means to a mentor to have a nice, intelligent novice. I know he will. Someday he will be the mentor and someone else will be the novice. However...between now and the time he mentors his intelligent novice, there will be some real corkers zip through his life. He'll scream, he'll curse, he'll tear his hair out...and totally wish he'd never started the whole thing. He'll wish to hell he just worked on his own stuff and never gave a damn about whether or not anybody else ever made money. He'll keep going though, because he's cursed with being a nice person. Then, finally, he'll get his own "Dom." And he'll know what I feel whenever I speak to him in ICQ.

Somebody on the main board (I think it was cj) said "teachers teach what they need to learn." Ah, what a pearl that is. It's true. Every time I "teach" someone, my own sites get better. One can't give out good advice to someone without hearing it echo when one is doing one's own work.

So, Dom and all novices, know this: those who teach...learn. Don't feel that you're "taking someone's time" by asking questions. You're actually helping the one to whom you're asking the questions.

This forum is unique in the sense that this is what it is for. This is where novices (I prefer that word to "newbies") can come and ask anything they want and learn. As many have said "the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask."

Thanks, Dom. You're the greatest.
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