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Old 09-16-2005   #134
Join Date: May 2004
Location: The Great Southern Land
Posts: 986
Default Re: CJ , I am sorry!!!!

I think focussing on the word "hired" in a financial sense display's a certain naivety - unless of course it is meant to deflect from the real issues, when it would display a certain strategy

There are many methods apart from money which can be defined as forms of "payment".

Your first sentence is 100% correct, but the point being made is that there is a quantum difference between the will and whim of "members" and that of "moderators".

Shit, on of the moderators in an earlier post in this thread referred (well at least inferred) that moderators here are part of management.

If the needs and wants of management versus "workers" were that synergistic, where did unionism come from? A bit off topic yes, but a valid analogy to make a point.

My 2c.

Last edited by CuriousToyBoy; 09-16-2005 at 06:43 AM.
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