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Old 09-01-2005   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 323
Default Re: Wegcash is going to match donations for Gulf Coast.

As usual, the people in this industry are worthy of admiration for going above and beyond to help during a crisis.

Billy, Buff, Sig and all who've kept us better informed than the folks whose job it IS to do so -- thanks, and stay safe.

Wegcash and all with W4A, thanks for matching donations! Between yours and that of my employer, I've been able to double my donations today to help people in the area.

My mother- and father-in-law live(d) in Gulfport, and last I heard they were safe in Tuscaloosa, Alabama but weren't too confident that their house was still standing... and they won't know til they can get back to see. I can't imagine the stress they and everyone in their position must be going through. My heart goes out to them all...

Just had to do a drive-by post to lend my support and thanks. Even though I'm not around these parts much these days, I'm always thinking about you guys. :-)

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