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Old 09-01-2005   #25
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Default Re: aeon you are banned

Originally Posted by sarettah
I have very little to say here.

What Aeon said about GG's tragedy was way below the belt and should not have been said or thought for that matter.

However, I am always against banning except for the most extreme circumstances.

So, this one leaves me quite mixed.

It would be difficult to contemplate a more "extreme circumstance" than the remarks made, sarettah.

We tend to forget that what we refer to as "Freedom of Speech" is a right protected by the First Ammendment of the US Constitution in order that a free press and the open exchange of information could always be maintained. The framers of the constitution included it (as an afterthought, by the way) to protect a fledgling government and its diverse population.

Since that time, it has been quite popular for idiots - for they are invariably idiots - to say "I have the right to say what I think." Really? Why says? This is not a US government run forum. This is a private company. This forum is given for the sharing of ideas amongst people who have little in common except working in the same industry. Because we have so little in common, some of those ideas are going to clash. We accept that on the basis of "you have your opinion, I have mine." We piss with each other because it's become a tradition in this business and provides some amusement value. Some of the piss comes very close to "a line," and some even treads over it. For the most part, we accept that, as well.

There is, however, another line. This is the deeply personal line we all have that indicates something has been said that absolutely will not be tolerated. It's different for all of us. If I feel that this board has crossed my own personal line, I'm free to leave and go do my posting elsewhere - as are we all. I can make my exit dramatic or silent, depending on how I feel - as can we all. Heaven knows, it's been done before.

Some lines, though, are very common to all of us. This remark crossed *that* line. And because this is a private company, owned and run by individuals, they have the right to hit the kill switch when they choose. In my opinion, they also have a responsibility in moments like this.

It's just so damned easy to say anything one chooses behind the safety of one's computer. It's easy enough to say the things that would get one beaten to death in real life. I'm not a violent person, but if someone had expressed joy in the death of my child, I'd kill him.

All I would need is *one* parent on the jury to get off.

As a writer, sarettah, I understand your point. Being anti-censorship is part of my job description. However, only a government can commit censorship.
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