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Old 08-15-2005   #34
Father Time
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 16
Default Re: Its Nostalgia Week at Oprano!

One constant in business is change. Here's to hoping this move is a positive one for Netpond

I'd recommend to at least keep the archives around and maybe have a script post select quotes from the past.

Then again, there is always the wayback machine.

Happy coding to you!

TDavid ::: Flashboard-Registered :::
Wed Mar 17 17:39:34 2004 - - message #214441



A big chapter is closing here. But the page turns and a new chapter begins.

(If only Rick had let me bid on ads for

Mojo :::
Wed Mar 17 17:25:17 2004 - - message #214440


Goodbye NetPond. Memories. . . . .

KRL ::: Pays on all exits!
Wed Mar 17 17:20:37 2004 - - message #214439


Hooper sent me a link about the flat board closing.

Place was never the same after I left anyways.

Brad Shaw ::: Great niche sites, great conversions!
Wed Mar 17 17:13:15 2004 - - message #214438


having cut my teeth on flatboards and honed my pee pee skills here, I'm sorry to see it go.
I remember some old names now long gone like Bannermaster Matt, nomad, Pushrod, tropixx terry, DJJD, Stoner, and many more.

I think this is the first board I ever used "Fry-0-Lator" on when making fun of someone (and I think it was lensman) ;-)

lots of memories

12clicks ::: Only The Coolest Converting Paysites
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