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Old 03-15-2005   #55
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Originally posted by fierce@Mar 15 2005, 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by JoesHO1,Mar 15 2005, 05:41 PM
And it appears to me that Anthony was dealing with Adam.

and apperantly ADAM had/has ALL of HIS docs in order or else they would not have been nieve enough as a company to buy from ADAM now would they?

so you attack with inuendo and accusations that are derogatory, yet you say you are trying to defend the fact that you were questioned pubcally about your docs?

why not just show the docs if you were trying to prove your integrity as a company, why show what assholes you really are by slining inuendo and false accusations?

wich one would be more professional, and wich one do you think in retrospect would have a better effect?

and still you do not even show the docs you were questioned about LOL
And it appears to me that Anthony was dealing with Adam.

and apperantly ADAM had/has ALL of HIS docs in order or else they would not have been nieve enough as a company to buy from ADAM now would they?

thanks for answering for me and stating that adam had/has all of his docs in order. Since you now agree that all docs were/are in order why do you continue to pursue this isssue?
haha two different content deals from what I gather , correct? or are you now making a new accusation and stating that this content that Anthony bought is yours?

do you have the docs to prove this new allegation too? or does the scanner not work properly?

any docs ? or just more inuendo...?

something FIT this way comes!
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