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Old 03-15-2005   #30
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 38

Who made any threats ? Simple statement "What comes around goes around" its called Karma, create negative energy and say negative things and you only create a negative effect for yourself. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is a reference to making sure everything in your own house is legitamate before you make accusations against others. Nobody has made any threats to or against anyone.
Your repeated attacks and attempts to muddy the good name of this company seem to be driven by the idea that spreading enough lies will eventually make them true. Unfortuneatly for you we have the logs of your conversations with others involved, we have all of the IM's exchanged between you and those who we accuse of misdoings, we do not do business with drug dealers, nobody wants or do business with backstabbers and double dealers, liars cheats or thieves. Here then are select portions of those conversations that have been turned over to the State prosecutors enjoy;

Azure Sales = Melissa V

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:21239908): Tue Jul 13 10:40:32 2004

21239908: Hello [Offline Message (7/13/2004 [14:53])]

Azure Sales: hi?

*** 21239908 signed on at Tue Jul 13 10:41:05 2004.

21239908: hey it's anthony from oprano

Azure Sales: Hi Anthony from Oprano

21239908: sure,

Azure Sales: sent

21239908: thanks

Azure Sales: Web Revenue?

Azure Sales: work with Blair Geronimo?

21239908: yep

21239908: yeppers.

Azure Sales: Blair and I go way back

Azure Sales: you know i'm in Boca?

21239908: yep, on phone, gime a sec

21239908: sorry back. yep i knew you were in boca

21239908: you mentioned if i remember right, that we were both stationed in NAS Alameda around the same time

Session Close (21239908): Tue Jul 13 11:11:38 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Thu Sep 30 17:49:22 2004

Anthony: damn, i missed this msg. hahaha i just switched over to gaim, and it's different than icq

Azure Sales: ahhh

Azure Sales: so Ih ave a care package for you

Anthony: wut up girlfriend

Azure Sales: want me to drop it at Serge's?

Anthony: stop yo shit. i don't need it.

Anthony: damn all of you tops

Azure Sales: LOL

Anthony: other than that, how's it going?

Azure Sales: No really its nothing like that

Anthony: yah right

Azure Sales: Just a little care package of chocolate and stuff

Anthony: sure

Anthony: what kinda of chocolate?! THE KIND THAT GETS STUCK UP MY ASS?! NNNOOOO

Azure Sales: nope

Azure Sales: for you girl - the stuff

Azure Sales: and some of our other stuff nothing terrible

Anthony: really?

Azure Sales: really

Azure Sales: I wouldn't do that to you

Anthony: sure you wouldnt. i would to you. ergo my paranoia

Azure Sales: lol

Azure Sales: yeah well I'm sweet and innocent

Anthony: yah yah

Anthony: cold butt plugs do note equal sweet and innocent

Azure Sales: and I've been getting fucked every which way but the way I like it so I'm soo not interested in passing the joy around

Azure Sales: that is with my toys only

Anthony: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you kill me.

Anthony: it's been 3 months for me. Kristen flys in saturday!

Anthony: well, thanks hun! I appreciate the care package!

Azure Sales: ahhh well - then I definitely need this care package

Azure Sales: so drop it off at Serge's or drinks tomorrow night?

Anthony: we can do drinks. where do you want to meet up?

Azure Sales: no idea

Azure Sales: where in boca are you?

Anthony: i'm on hillsboro

Azure Sales: I'm off of Spanish River and Federal

Azure Sales: okay - so no idea

Anthony: hahaha, we'll figure out tomorrow.

Azure Sales: k


Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Fri Nov 05 09:35:36 2004

Azure Sales: Anthony

Azure Sales: got a second?

Anthony: yes i do

Azure Sales: heard you talked to my boy - Adam

Anthony: your ex?

Azure Sales: no although I know he's is mailing for you this weekend

Anthony: ?

Anthony: who is adam then?

Azure Sales: Adam Barish?

Azure Sales: Crazy Club Chicks

Anthony: oh oh.

Anthony: yah adam is mailing for me this weekend?

Azure Sales: no denis is mailing for you this weekend

Azure Sales: Adam you talked to about producing content

Anthony: okay, i'm confused

Anthony: okay

Anthony: yep, I did.

Anthony: he talked to alot of ppl in the office.

Azure Sales: LOL

Anthony: but yah, we are going to see what he can do.

Azure Sales: so you seriously interested?

Azure Sales: brillinat

Anthony: are we seriouis?

Anthony: serious een

Anthony: even even

Anthony: yep

Anthony: new VP on board.

Azure Sales: of course - you have some time to sit down and talk face to face about the project?

Anthony: next week i do. what do you have in mind?

Azure Sales: Tuesday lunch?

Anthony: sure. adam works with you guys?

Azure Sales: no

Azure Sales: I'm helping adam out

Anthony: ok. adam is supposed to come in today.

Anthony: let me call him to verify now. LOL

Azure Sales: what time?

Anthony: 3pm

Azure Sales: okay

Azure Sales:

Azure Sales: Address?


Azure Sales: brillinat

Azure Sales: I'll send y ou care package

Anthony: coo!

Session Close (Anthony): Fri Nov 05 09:48:46 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Mon Nov 08 11:10:25 2004

Azure Sales: You owe me corp. info

Session Close (Anthony): Mon Nov 08 11:10:39 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Mon Nov 08 11:10:55 2004

Anthony: sheesh. yah, i do

Azure Sales: can you e-mail it to

Anthony: will do

Session Close (Anthony): Mon Nov 08 11:15:16 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Mon Nov 08 15:22:51 2004

Azure Sales: got your e-mail

Azure Sales: trying to send you images


Azure Sales: sent

Azure Sales: question is it a talent issue or a cost issue?

Anthony: since we know each other a long time, a little of both.

Azure Sales: sent you a model that I happen to have pictures handy

Azure Sales: even better Adam is bringing her and a couple of others into your office

*** Anthony signed off at Mon Nov 08 15:37:28 2004.

Session Close (Anthony): Mon Nov 08 15:38:16 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Mon Nov 08 17:08:40 2004

Azure Sales: Adam and the girls will stop by your office at 6pm

Anthony: tomorrow?

Azure Sales: no tonight

Anthony: oh.

Azure Sales: typical adam can't find your contact number

Anthony: okay. i'll pass it on

Anthony: hahaha


Azure Sales: would tomorrow be better?

Session Close (Anthony): Mon Nov 08 17:15:02 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Mon Nov 08 17:15:28 2004

Anthony: talked to adam, we'll wait

Azure Sales: for adam?

Anthony: yeppers.

Anthony: damn, quit smoking today

Anthony: i kinda don't miss it

Azure Sales: wow

Azure Sales: butt plug must seriously be working

Azure Sales: LMAO

Azure Sales: I'm too funny

Anthony: hehe

Anthony: not

Azure Sales: he he totally

Anthony: hheh

Azure Sales: what did you ahve for dinner with Serge on Saturday - Friday we had Vietnamese

Anthony: steaks.

Azure Sales: mmm dead bloody cow nice

Anthony: need a favor. will call you.

Azure Sales: k

Anthony: what number


Session Close (Anthony): Mon Nov 08 17:39:54 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Tue Nov 09 13:51:07 2004

Azure Sales: Who do you love?

Anthony: you of course.

Azure Sales: of course

Azure Sales: I have your request

Azure Sales: Don't you love Adam?

Azure Sales: he is my boy

Anthony: i would love you even more if you hooked me up with one of your porn models who happens to be a sex addict. looking for about 5 foot 11 145lbs fake boobs.

Anthony: oh wait.

Anthony: already have one of those

Anthony: Yah adam is coo

Azure Sales: (Link:

Anthony: perfect. she likes large asians?

Anthony: heh

Azure Sales: yes she does

Anthony: purfect

Azure Sales: of course

Azure Sales: and she is moving to florida

Anthony: w00t!

Anthony: how do you know she likes azns?!

Azure Sales: you should cast her in one of your reality sites

Anthony: how about next Ex Mrs. Abuan?

Azure Sales: there you go

Anthony: hahahahaha you kill me

Azure Sales: please I'm looking for the next ex myself - ideally under 40 over 6 foot and a fireman

Anthony: i will keep eye out for you.

Azure Sales: who loves to be tied up and have his ass beaten with a crop

Azure Sales: I'm there

Anthony: that was my next question

Anthony: hahahahaha

Anthony: rhiannon kinda scares me.

Azure Sales: she is a submissive

Azure Sales: no worries there

Anthony: nah, not that kinda scared.

Anthony: as in she would break me scared. LOL

Anthony: must stock up on cialis

Azure Sales: yeah well nothing ventured nothing gained

Anthony: stop it!

Anthony: LOL

Anthony: intresting site.

Azure Sales:

Azure Sales: join the forum

Anthony: i will

Anthony: i don't get it. i lived in the South Bay of LA for most of 2003, I never saw women like her. LOL

Azure Sales: LOL long beach /huntington beach - its where all the hotties live

Anthony: damn, i spent way to much time across the bay

Azure Sales: see-

Azure Sales: I grew up in both places I know all the good spots

Session Close (Anthony): Tue Nov 09 14:18:19 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Tue Nov 09 14:19:09 2004

Anthony: sweet

Session Close (Anthony): Tue Nov 09 14:19:54 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:35:33 2004

Anthony: hey hun, did you by chance get anyone with beans?

Azure Sales: keep up honey - said I have it for you

Session Close (Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:35:50 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:36:20 2004

Anthony: you did?

Anthony: when?

Azure Sales: yes

Azure Sales: earlier today

Anthony: fuck, I"m going nuts.

Azure Sales: promise fulfilled

Anthony: coo

Anthony: i owe you a favor flavor.

Anthony: need to get from you

Azure Sales: LOL yes I know

Azure Sales: when I come to pick up the deposit check for joe fucking millionaire

Anthony: when is that?

Anthony: LOL

Anthony: how much is deposit?

Anthony: what the hell woman, these are things i must now!

Azure Sales: 1/3 of 10 scenes

Azure Sales: 24K

Anthony: 1/3

Anthony: 1 to 3 scenes?

Azure Sales: 8000

Azure Sales: no 1/3 depoist

Anthony: ok.

Azure Sales: 1/3 upon talent approval

Azure Sales: 1/3 upon delivery

Anthony: has this been brought up to jeff in email or any way?

Azure Sales: nope but I"m flexible on that

Anthony: i need to get the ball rolling so to speak.

Azure Sales: I'll have the contract to you in an hour

Session Close (Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:42:54 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:44:55 2004

Anthony: ok

Session Close (Anthony): Tue Nov 09 15:52:15 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 10:08:39 2004

Anthony: yo, our email is down

Azure Sales: you suck

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 10:18:19 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 12:07:35 2004

Anthony: bak up now

Azure Sales: k

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 12:11:36 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 13:02:22 2004

Azure Sales: you have mail did you get it

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 13:02:32 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 16:38:01 2004

Azure Sales: did you get your e-mail?

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 16:42:36 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 16:53:50 2004

Anthony: si

Anthony: we are looking at 5 up front, not 10

Azure Sales: 5 before vegas 5 after vegas

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 17:06:05 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Wed Nov 10 17:08:13 2004

Anthony: coo

Azure Sales: enough to launch and enough to keep you going after vegas

Session Close (Anthony): Wed Nov 10 17:11:24 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Thu Nov 11 13:42:39 2004

Azure Sales: Hey are you there?

Session Close (Anthony): Thu Nov 11 14:09:57 2004

Session Start (ICQ - 305162164:Anthony): Thu Nov 11 14:45:38 2004

Anthony: here

Azure Sales: contract?

Azure Sales: any questons?

Azure Sales: concerns?

Azure Sales: are we done?

Azure Sales: I have a delivery for y ou too on a personal note

Session Close (Anthony): Thu Nov 11 14:49:28 2004 DAY MELISSA LEFT NOV 14

lets review then shall we: illegal drug dealing, breach of confidentiality non disclosure and non compete agreements, diversion of funds and business, violation of the Florida information act, and direct contradiction by Anthony of his statement that he is not doing business with the parties named. These are just some of the activities that mellisa was involved in. Hope this shines the light of truth on an otherwise dark topic. By the way, all the 2257 docs are in hard copy where would you like me to fax that to? Have a great night.
Michael Fierce
Azure Entertainment -Hentai, Custom and Reality Content
211-673-935 icq
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