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Old 02-03-2005   #42
The Other Steve
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Australia mate!
Posts: 232

It's so sad to see someone self-destruct in such a major way and not have the intelligence to understand what she's doing.

Minnie - here's a tip from Marie and me - and we ran a solo girl site for 6 years so we have some vague clue about what you need to do.

1. Be humble and understand that lots of people have way more experience than you do. Assess what they tell you and you will see that 95% of the time their advice is worth taking - even if you don't think so.

2. No one is going to promote your site better than you so go out there and start building free sites and galleries, post pics on pic posts - hit top lists - basically go out and whore yourself on the net.

If you think that is a terrible thing to say then leave the industry now because solo girl sites are all about selling sex with that girl.

3. Get your webmaster page looked over by someone with a lot of experience. From what someone here said earlier you may not even have any Terms of Service. Without those terms you will find that anyone with real traffic numbers won't even touch you.

Of course, neither Marie nor I expect you to accept a single word we have said - but we've said it just so we can reserve the right to say "We told you so" when you finally wake up to the fact that you've wasted a lot of time and money because you were too dumb to take the advice that you asked for.

Oh - and Sarettah - we always thought you were a nice mild mannered guy - now we see the truth
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