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Old 02-03-2005   #27
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Damn.. I'm normally one of the last people to start bitching at someone I don't know very well and am generally an extremely polite and mellow fellow but.....


You have absolutely NO idea how much help has been offered here by these kind folks. With the ideas and outright help offered here you could have EASILY been on your way to making your site the success you apparently want it to be but are doing everything in your power to prevent. I'm sorry you got treated so badly and can understand some of your reluctance to trust BUT even if you didn't like the ideas offered by Titan for example, you could have POLITELY declined and POLITELY explained why. I'm sure Titan would have understodd and maybe offered different help or to move slower into the offer. Instead you just pissed him off by being rude and then rubbing it in his face by starting another thread.

You STILL have a chance here because the people here are nice so don't blow it. Take the chance and try and start fresh and you can have the successful site you want. Otherwise, enjoy your struggle cause with an attitude like that it will take forever to make it truly successful.
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