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Old 02-03-2005   #12
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i pmed her and offered to get her working with AJ who is toronto based - hes had years in the industry and manages tons of projects for people right now including being an aff manager for sexsearch , jennacash and more

an awesome guy - he would have redesigned the site to pro standards with tours , got it into a cash program - and marketed it himself by submitting galleries as he does that with huge success already

Instead i got attitude and grief and told that she dont want a fucking manager - and if im not going to help her to stop messagin her - which lasted about 5 minutes total - the result of her attitude towards me - mr mellow is that i doubt anyone will be able to work with her or help her with this site - i was not in this for myself or for any profit as usual i was trying to help out

Yes she is cute and the site could do very well as theyre arent very many solo black girls out there right now and with the right help and a change of attitude she couldve gone far

Instead she gave me the i want to make 500-1000 a month and if ur not helping me piss off line . result first time ive blocked someone on messenger for about two years

some advice to minnie would be if you really want to make ur site a success - Drop the attitude towards people who want to help , go to a web design course and get ur site up to a half decent standard - then find other sites similar to yours and get some link exchanges , learn some seo skills and get listed - take sabbys advice on hitting the toplists - it was a very good guide - also possibly talk to a cash program owner to get u into their program - those guys already have 100's of webmasters in their books who would promote ur site if u can get it to a better level
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