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Old 01-31-2005   #131
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 37

"He stole about 400,000 hits a day from us and our clients which equates to alot fo money in lost revenue and it caused secondary problems as well, we will never repcoup from him what he fucked us for but again we will have the pleasure of a judgement and the bbest reward from that case is when we hand the evidence over to FBI and he winds up in jail for rest of his life.

If you guys new how much sextracker had stolen from you, im sure most of the adult internet companies would be filing suit against him also." -Meat on ST and Shawn Boday

You don't know the half of it.

I seriously doubt that they were "stealing" 400,000 hits from you/yours per day. What Shawn and his crew are doing is much, much worse. They are taking the few hits that DO convert by means of inserting their own affiliate id's as well as redirecting join pages to their own MoneyTree program. This practice is detrimental to the entire industry. Affiliate programs (some are/were actually moneytree clients) are damaged when conversions drop and webmasters move to another program. Webmasters suffer damages in more direct ways, their joins are stolen from them.
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