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Old 01-28-2005   #84
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 37

Ok, the title of this thread is Sextracker, the inside info, so I assume that's what you all want.

Disclaimer: I obviously have an ax to grind, you needn't point that out. Secondly, I am not trying to represent myself as a good guy, I currently work for an adware company.

I was at that "meeting" years ago at Nicks house with Bode. As hostile as Nick is on this board I remember him being a perfect gentlemen and a gracious host in person. I certainly enjoyed Nicks hospitality.

So lets start from the second beginning...

Flying Crocodile Inc. became FCI Inc after Andy Edmond was pushed out due to his gross mismanagement. Shawn Boday and Ross Perkins assumed the role of co-CEO's and shared Andy's former office. I had been on a forced "sabatical" for many months due to my inability to play ball with Andy. Its funny how dificult people (myself included) become when they are lied to, cheated, and not payed. Once Andy was forced out I returned to manage the advertising sales team. This was not to last as Shawn was insistent on managing advertising sales himself. So, I took over the management and marketing of Sexlist, a property I had developed with my partner and sold to FCI a few years before. It was at this time that Richard Fannin (Bama) came to the FCI offices one night to pitch a project to us. Shawn was busy so I met with him. Bama was pitching what is now known as adware. Sneaky adware. I was excited and pulled Shawn into the meeting. Shawn heard Bama out and said thanks but no thanks. We had other shit going on...

More to come.
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