Thread: TGP Owners....
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Old 07-30-2004   #40
I like it squishy and wierd.
LadyMischief's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oakville, Ontario
Posts: 942

Honestly I think a gallery like that wouldn't have a problem on one of our tgps if it was a little less graphics heavy, A few less images that look like they SHOULD be clickable (generally 3 links to the sponsor is a good amount, a lot of tgps won't take more than that with regular submits or even partner account submits), other than that I think it would be surprising how well it does. Aside from the subject matter (I would probably use a female over a male) honestly I would be very curious to see how it does. If you're interested in maybe setting up a trial run or something, cj, definitely hit me up and I will see what I can do. I think you'd do best if you tailor-pick content to the tgp it's being listed on, as different "types" of celebs will appeal to different traffic. If you contact me on icq we can talk about more details and I can run some numbers by you too.

Affiliate Marketing Manager - Homegrowncash
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