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Old 07-05-2004   #84
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Originally posted by JR@Jul 5 2004, 04:01 PM
Why is it that so many people claim to have great conversions with TGP traffic... and so many others think that TGP's are the cause of all evil and everything that is wrong with adult? I have always found that to be pretty amusing. There are a pretty big descrepency in opinions and clearly people are still making a lot of money. I never see 100 people crying "thats not possible" when someone says "i am doing 1:500 with this gallery on The Hun"... on GFY. That tells me something.

You cannot put the genie back in the bottle Vick, no matter how much you might wish to. All you can do is out think and outwork the rest of the idiots out there. Anyone that thinks that is too tough... is in the wrong business in my opinion. I see a lot of morons making money today. Just as many morons as there always has been. If anything, there are more.

You cannot stop free content or stop people from using the word "Free". The word "free" is a mainstay of marketing both online and off. It's one of those magic words that grabs people attention that leads to SALES. The market will decide the business models. That is how a free market works. People follow business models that work. Thats how a free market evolves.

Porn hit the web, surfers were ignorant, money was easy and so many people lament about the "good ole days"... rather than understanding that every business evolves and it's up to the businessmen to evolve just as fast or be left behind. Those getting left behind today are complaining that everyone should be working together to turn back the clock as if that was possible. You can't make surfers ignorant and innexperienced again. You can only understand them and improve how you sell to them. They are your market.

just an opinion.

What can I say , my opinions can change ;-)))
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