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Old 07-05-2004   #81
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Sorry I have only read 10 words in this thread and the obviously best things for Paysite owners to do is

GET RID OF TGP'S PERMANENTLY - they encourage leeches, turned paying customers into freeloaders and provide porn for underage users and others without means of paying

regrettably for at least a little while more they are here to stay

Here come look at my TGP, we give away 10,000+ free pictures everyday
and we don't let our gallery makers put more than one ad up and they pics have to be good quality and of a certain size

Shemp - nothing personal, only business - you seem like a great intelligent guy and have the respect of many (except you operate TGP's)

Do you have any idea how much more money you would have made over the past 3-4 years if you and many other's like you didn't give away an abundance of free porn?

Want to see titties pull out your credit card surfer? No Credit Card - bank account, phone billing - oh ... underage - well get off my bandwidth and go look at legal pics of Britney or something

and Shemp to prove my point, you personally can not make earn more than $50 per day from the top spot on your TGP, how many hits does that gallery you sell for $1500 a month get a day?
If I'm reading correctly your sexlist stats say you've done over 313,261 just today to that page, so someone paying $50 for one of your prime spots may get let's say 30,000 clicks and they send maybe 10,000 clicks to the sponsor
so they have to do 1 in 10,000 (or a little better to be profitable)

am guessing you weren't doing that so selling the spots became a better business model (which I can respest and admire)

Your add says!!!
The New Shemp, an Original TGP. Free Porn for the People!

Why do you tell people porn is free
NO FUCKING FREE PORN, what are you, up for the porn sainthood?
You got to pay to play

I really hope you are a millionaire a few times over, if not you could have been

and again - nothing personal - only business

and I'd don't care to hear from the TGP peanut gallery but Shemp and sites like his have cost many hundred's of thousands if not millions of dollars and have been one of the primary reasons for the decline in the adult on-line porn industry

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