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Old 06-22-2004   #127
Payserve SUX
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,988

Funny me anyway. I registered here on Oprano a long time before I ever made a post. The day I registered I started reading some threads to familiarize myself with the board and what did I see?
I saw someone (I do not remember who) being blasted into next year. Lots of name calling, stuff like that. I thought 'Oh, it's GFY in pale blue.' and put it on my don't visit list right along side GFY.
But Gonzo kept messaging me (this was months later) about some crazy assed psycho bitch who isn't in the biz and how she was saying some of the stupidest things ever. He continued to send me links to threads because he knew deep down in side I was a closet 'drama junkie'.
Long story short, he (with considerable help from a mentally unstable woman) got me to start posting here. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the discussion Labret and the entire board had over and over and over........
I never got used to Serge's "You know you want to suck my cock" retorts, but I accept that thats him.
I know Vick is gonna post song lyrics..........its gonna happen
I also know several other people will post song lyrics immediately following Vicks!
I know Peaches seems to be a really stable woman right up until the afore mentioned psycho bitch comes around.
I know there is a woman who posts on this board who will suck off a buss driver............ and this is a BAD thing? It only makes someone who might have thought they were special feel less so.
I could go on and on about all the regulars here. Even the new ones who have far exceeded my post count.
The thing with me posting on Oprano.......and careful now because this is honesty in it's purest....... I never felt 'welcomed' here. not once.
For me I am never going to be a guy who is going to live for the fight. So i would not willingly set myself up to be one of those who is constantly starting shit with people. I need to feel like I belong on a board, like I contribute to it.
I don't get that here.
So for me, it's a drive by post every now and again when i have some extra time and there is something I am interested in being discussed. But otherwise, its a quick scan of the topics and then I am off to scan some other board.

So, the topic at hand. Newbie comes to Oprano, has heard the "Elite" hang out here. Makes a little "HI, I'm new here." post, gets welcomed by a several members and then is summarily ignored on each of the corresponding don't have to flame to intimidate.

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