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Old 03-18-2004   #16
The global leader in pay-per-view AEBN
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Thanks Mike,

Here is a little secret. I watched Britney Spears in Seattle last week (don't ask me to explain why). But I was VERY shocked at what I saw.

There is one song where she is in a skin colored body suit and rolling around in a transparent bath tub. Also on the stage, there are two beds and one well built guy sitting in his underwear on a chair in front of her.

One of the beds had a guy on it (wearing only bikini briefs) who was simulating various sex acts on the bed in the most suggestive way possible.

The second bed on it, had two girls (in small bra and panties) simulating sex on each other.

The third was a very well built guy sitting on a chair gyrating around as well.

I am a fucking pornographer and i found this to be disturbing as hell. I sat there in shock and borderline horror as I watched little kids, even pre-teens scream and cheer with each pelvic thrust, each attempt at going down on the girl etc etc.

Then Britney comes down and gets in bed with the single guy and again they simulate sex together and finish the song by kissing each other for quite a while with each of them visibly sucking on each others tongues and thrusting each others tongues in and out of each others mouths (also shown close up shots on the big monitors on both sides of the stage) while i sat and watched little girls that i would hope were not even old enough to understand what was happening, screamed and cheered at the top of their lungs.

Imagine how disturbing that is. Two girls wearing nothign but small bra's and panties are simulating oral sex on each other while FULLY exploring each others bodies with their hands and little girls are going nuts.

Imagine Britney Spears and a naked guy simulating having sex doggy style on a bed and three 10 year old girls sitting next to you are really getting into it.

My wife and I sat there completely stunned and stared at each other and we were both left speachless. I kept glancing around to see the reactions of other parents that were there and it was pretty much the same. The same stunned look like we had just watched the stage lighting drop and kill everyone on stage or something.

This more than anything made me realize that there should be boundaries. I don't know where they should be and how they would be defined other than how they are today, but I can say with 100% confidence that if parents realized what innocent little Britney was doing while their 11 year old daughters were cheering her on, they would be shitting their pants and they would have burned that place down.

It was disturbing. It was more disturbing because it was one of the first times in my life when i was able to step back and understand just how much children emulate the behavior of those they look up to. I did not understand it when I was a child or when I was one of those at the concert dreaming to one day "be just like him/her". But now I understand.

It made me realize that there are no limits to how far people will push to make money. "Show business" in the last couple decades has more or less become synonymous with "Controversial". If there were no boundaries and no limits, it is frightening to think how far entertainers would be pushing and where the subsequent competition to outdo the last guy would take things.

I don't object to the show, it's content or anyones right to watch it.

I do object to the fact that little kids were watching it. If she got fined $1,000,000.00 tomorrow for that show, i would be one of the first to agree with it and would not hesitate to let people know why.

Last edited by JR at Mar 18 2004, 06:39 PM
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