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Old 03-18-2004   #13
The global leader in pay-per-view AEBN
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Originally posted by Meni@Mar 18 2004, 01:45 PM

Infinity STERNs company has him on over 200 stations
they keep him on
You are crazy not to know this is all political
CC in BED with BUSH and the RIGHT
you don't like it? you dont' get on CC's stations
CC's stages, venues
again Korn is right on target

i could care less if it is political or not. I believe in our system of government.. not Bush. I believe that on the whole, it works quite well. I believe and know that nothing can be done that can't be undone should that truly prove to be a popular move.

you fail to realize is that few people agree with you or at the very least, very feew feel as strongly about this as you do. this is evident in the fact that few people beyond Stern listeners care. so far it's a few Democrats, The Crackhead Cab driver guy, the guy who farts music, a few porn stars, a couple retards, the stuttering guy, a drunk midget and Meni who care. that should tell you something.

that silence you and Howard hear that annoys you so much is the sound of people thinking to themselves "hmmm, i was wondering when this was going to happen and wondering why it did not happen sooner". It's the lack of outrage from people who happen to agree that it might be time to say "hey, i don't want my children watching entertainers bare their tits illegally on TV in front of my children just because everyone knows that the commercial benefits far outweigh the fines that might be imposed"

the boundaries have been pushed and pushed by writers, entertainers, artists and performers since the dawn of civilization . every once in a while the system puts it's foot down and draws a new line in the sand. this has happened since we were swinging from trees and probably before that... yet the pattern of evolution is clearly on the side of increased tolerance and freedom. there is no possible way to argue thats is not true.
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