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Old 02-12-2004   #178
Almighty Colin
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Originally posted by Joe Sixpack@Feb 12 2004, 09:02 AM
But people differ in their level of conformity. If you are going to argue that we are all confomists then you must accept that it is simply a matter of degree.
To me, it seems more a matter of what we conform to than how much we conform. I see what you're saying but it seems like we're talking about the last 1%. Humans are incredibly social and need each other. We live, work, and play in groups. We're more alike than different.

People listen to music created by others, wear clothes designed by others,
get their hair cut by others, and live in houses designed and built by others. There's little choice in that, of course. There's no time to do it all.

But these same facts necessitate few options. We tend to like certain music styles and not others. We tend to like certain clothing styles and not others. We tend to like certain groups of people more than others. The people that share those similarities form groups. They are our friends.

You have the "trendy" people who wear the trendy clothing lines and go to the trendy clubs.

You have the non-materialists who wear the non-materialist clothing (Few labels, non trendy)

We've had the stoners, the preppies, the headbangers, the goths and the yuppies. Even the bikers. Hell of a group that prides themself on individuality. Nearly every one of them wearing leather and riding a Harley.

You have high schools kids who all say they are striving for their "individualism" but all dressing remarkably like the others in their respective groups.

The most amusing part is that some of us identify with "non conformist" groups, people who claim they are "individualists". I don't really think they are. Such groups tend to have a lot in common with each other (goth is a good example). They subscribe to the cult of antidisestablishmentarianism. They reject the norms of society and then conform to each other instead.

Last edited by Colin at Feb 12 2004, 09:24 AM
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