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Old 02-11-2004   #148
Eternal Newbie
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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This really is so funny.
I doubt that many of you know the full name of your neighbors, his wife, and his children.
I even more highly doubt that you'd be willing to walk into his house and start bitching about what landscaping he should have done, what color he should paint his house, what food he should be feeding his family, what clothes they should be wearing, what you think of how he employs himself and how you think he should spend his money...

Yet those things affect your life more than the US does.

Doubt me?
Let someone move in next to you with two cars on blocks in the driveway, who chooses to paint their house neon pink with purple shutters, who makes his money by repairing cars - in his front yard...
And see how quickly your property value goes down and how the "status" of your neighborhood goes down. Better yet, how *your* status goes down because you live next to this person.

Once you've gone into your neighbor's house and bitched out his entire family about how you think they should be running their household and lived to tell about it, then *maybe* you'll have a right to come to Americans and bitch to them about what their country is doing.
But I doubt it.

You take care of yours, let us take care of ours. God this is getting tiring.

I agree with Peaches - if you don't like Bush, don't vote for him. If you can't vote here, then shut the fuck up and quit your whining... go tend your own yard.
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