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Old 02-10-2004   #103
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally posted by J'sdude@Feb 10 2004, 06:13 PM
There are many ways to be diplomatic. You see I don't give a shit about what happens in your country when it doesn't effect me, but in this case your president's stupidity effects us all. Aw, WTF. This is like talking to a wall. No I haven't given up. I have just given up on you. No offensedude, but this is going nowhere.
Why get so flustered?

If you read my posts, you would see that I have already shared an understanding with your position.

It is all relative. diplomacy to you = X. diplomacy to the next guy = Y.

You don't like GWB. You disagree with his ideology and you feel your interests are threatened -- it is reflected in your posts. It's understood.

You are convinced that you are right.
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