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Old 01-20-2004   #49
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Banff, Canada
Posts: 213

Originally posted by [Labret]@Jan 20 2004, 11:47 AM
Bah, you gave in too easily.

You have two things that the smacktards on this board loathe and despise.

One, you are educated, and if there is anything these people hate, its someone who is smarter than them.

Two, you make more money than 98% of this board. Which will drive all these failures insane. Can you imagine being 40+ and still cranking out galleries? You would be bitter as well if your life ended up like that.

You know they are idiots, I know they are idiots, all you have to do is sit there and prove it to them.

And trust me, its not hard. The best part is it all takes zero effort. All you need is a few combined minutes a day to point out the glaringly obvious and the lemmings will gather into a herd and bluff charge you. There is no feeling greater than 5 Opranotards trying to work you at once. They are like Transformers, they all join up and combine their limited brain cells in order to form one giant board tard. Its the only chance they have, individually they stand zero chance.

Its fun to watch them think they actually present a challenge. I think that is the best part of all.
you know i love you. but what it boils down to, is that i have nothing to say in this forum. am i going to talk molecular genetics, with the slight taste of post-modernism (i cringe at the idea most will envision from that sentence - you included).

but sure, i suppose we can have some fun. sorry for posting again serge, ban my account as you see fit.
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