Thread: Labret...
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Old 01-20-2004   #233
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,159

Originally posted by SykkBoy@Jan 19 2004, 10:27 PM
Holy crap, this is a lot of shit to catch up on ;-)

For the record, the music that Labret and I adore and swap is famous for being "made" in the tape trades....look, a band like Deicide isn't going to get any play on TRL or radio....they derive their fanbase from heavy tape trading. Same as Metallica did in the early 80's and other bands. If not for a bunch of us hardcore fans dubbing cassette tapes and passing them on to friends, a lot of these bands would never have seen the light of day.

These types of bands make their money from selling tshirts and concert tickets...

I also own nearly 90% of this music....Labret has turned me on to some great bands that I've actually sought out and went and saw live as well as PURCHASED their CD's. These are bands that I wouldn't even know about muchless pay $5-10-20 to go see them live and even pick up a raggedy ass tshirt that falls apart after being washed 2 or 3 times...

This is the modern equivelant of tapetrading...

fuck, now I have to read 5 pages of this thread to get caught up ;-)

sigh...I guess at the Florida show I'll have to drag Peaches and Labret out to fucking dinner and make them kiss and make up...

oh yeah, Conway Twitty owns ;-)))
Most of the big music pirates in my genre work for or own small to mid sized labels. The people in this genre are in it for the love of the genre, there is no big money in hardcore.

How else is a small dutch hardcore band gonna get their shit spread around the world in a matter of minutes? MTV?

Got that ftp setup yet?
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