Thread: Labret...
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Old 01-19-2004   #77
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Originally posted by aeon@Jan 19 2004, 07:46 PM
you all are missing the subtelty again...the greatest academic minds in the world are not "academians" all the time...because you disagree with someone's board pissing is no indications they're clueless about their academic discipline...professors are real people - they have their personal opinions and one of the few benefits of higher education is the ability to seperate your opinions from what you can justify for peer review...they are not compatible...the ability to seperate faith from fact is the sign of education...not spouting footnotes.

best of luck -
I believe we're talking about different things.

If I meet someone who is a pilot and was in the AF flying planes for several years, and now is flying commercially or even privately for their own enjoyment, I would expect them to know something about airplanes. Whilst we may not be able to discuss the finer points of said airplanes, I could observe his actions and realize he did, in fact, know about airplanes.

My brother just stopped working on his post-doctorate in genetics at Duke, and I can attest to the fact that except for my Mom, who has a Masters in Midwifery and Nursing, rarely did any of us understand what the heck he was talking about when he explained what he was doing. However, we all recognized he was learning something useful outside the classroom instead of "learning" rote for his professors.

Ergo, if someone has studied human behavior, I would expect them to at least at SOME point act as if they actually understand human behavior. I've not seen Labret exhibit such knowledge and I commented on it.
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